March 2023 Numerology Influence
This month’s energy is “New Beginnings, High Energy and Courage”
This month the Universal energy is that of 1. We calculate this by adding the 3 (March = 3rd Month) with 2023. 3+2+0+2+3 = 10. 1+0=1
The 1 is all about New Beginnings, High Energy and Courage. So if you recall we are in a 7 Universal year - the year for thinking. Both numbers vibrations relate to self. We are being urged to think about our Spiritual awareness. The 1 is a thinker like the 7 but much quicker off the mark. You will feel a pull of wanting to step into action (1) but yet a strong desire not to react (7). The 7 is not interested in material pleasures but the 1 wants all the pleasures life can give.
The planet associated to the number 1 is the Sun. The lucky colours associated to the 1 are that of the sun, Red, Yellow and Orange. The lucky gemstone is the Ruby.
The positives of the 1 are impulsive, ambitious, high energy, and likes to lead and go first. It's meant to go first, it was designed to go first. 1 is creative, determined and committed to a goal once decided. So this month get ready and trust those intuitive ideas that pop into your head. Take action. Be independent and lead yourself first and then lead by example.
Negative aspects of the 1 can cause you to be chauvinistic (masculine energy), confrontational, opinionated, impulsive, impatient and cynical. So be sure to notice when these tendencies present.
The 1 loves independence, to think and initiate new ideas. It takes courage to be a leader. Look at your will. Does it operate for you freely, as in independently. To stand in your uniqueness, a strong sense of WILL power is required. The will of God or Divine Will is a concept found in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran, according to which GOD'S will is the first cause of everything that exists. We have all heard "Where's there's a will, there's a way" , meaning if someone really wants to do something they will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do. Do you allow yourself this freedom?
This month you will become aware of how you use your will. Do you control it or does it control you? When I was in my thirties I had an affirmation card in my wallet that said "If it's to be it's up to me". This is a good mantra for March. The 1 energy is inviting you to begin, to start, take action. The opportunity to begin again, a new energy, a new zest for life. You may feel an increased excitement, something motivating you.
When starting something new, the energy of fear may present. Fear can cause self criticism, a feeling you don't have what it takes, or you are not good enough. If possible step over this emotion and see it for what it is. A speed bump. Slow down. Look to the goal, your focus, your why and find your courage, your will and keep moving. You have got this!
This month is a time to convert ideas, and dreams into physical action. Do not let them die in your head. The 1 can over think everything. It will think of all that will go wrong and want permission and the confirmation that it will succeed before stepping into action. One is the leader the pioneer that goes first. It shines like the sun so others may follow.
MARCH 2023:
THIS IS A POWER ENERGISED MONTH. Plant seeds, use simple strategies to allow yourself to move and progress. Your courage will bring success. If you feel frustrated and angry, try movement to free you. The feeling of being stuck requires movement. Let's be honest it takes courage to be unique, to lead with belief and honesty. Find a way to have alone time this month. Wether that's a longer shower to meditate or a solitary run or walk. Use this time to connect to self and divine spirit. Helping to nourish yourself, and watch the ideas flow. This month is providing the opportunity to try something new, see things differently. Opportunities will present, and provide new possibilities.
This 1 energy invites you to
go after things
try new pathways
go to new places
meet new people
be active
begin a new job
start new relationships
trust yourself
trust your intuition
be original
be creative
be ambitious
feel your own power
be courageous
"One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now."
- Paulo Coelho
WILL you? I hope you WILL.
Enjoy your month, Sandy.
Wellness Expo
Lyttelton Recreation Center
Saturday 12 March
Holistic Spiritual Fair
Athenaeum Hall Arrowtown Buckingham St
Sunday 26th March
9.30am to 4.30pm
Numerology Workshops and Retreats
The Tribal Gathering Women's Retreat in the Kapiti Coast NZ has been postponed to August. Here are the new details for that event:
August 25th - 28th 2023
Strathean Retreat Centre
Kapiti Coast
If you are wanting to be held in sacred space and nurtured so your soul can relax, breathe and recharge then this is the weekend may be for you! There are plenty of exciting activities with some wonderful practitioners, food is provided and there are a few spots left so for any enquiries please contact: Joanne Hines | email:
Find out about your personal year:
Personal Years are just like the Universal years and repeat in a nine year cycle each rotation giving the opportunity to develop and overcome lessons. We get the opportunity to really tune into our individual rhythm.
The Personal Years form the building steps that mark our progress through life. Each nine year period marks the beginning and end of a particular stage of development.
We are so often encouraged to live in the now, however I feel a little heads up for planning can be so rewarding and supportive. Numerology is a particularly good tool for supporting change or even giving strength to your already strong foundation.
IF you are interested in finding out more about your personal year, I have the A5 12 month forecast cards that will fit nicely in the back of your journal, FIND THE A5 HERE , or if you would prefer to have a larger ‘poster’ size on your wall I offer these for you too FIND THE POSTER HERE .
Start thinking about what support you would love to have in 2023:
Is it in your personal life?
Is it in your relationships?
Is it in your business life?
Where would you like more flow and less resistance?
Honour yourself in 2023, the year of self reflection, to gain wisdom and find peace. I offer 1-1 readings on zoom with a recording and a report to support you to live a life you love.