June 2024 Numerology Influence
The 5 energy asks for freedom, change and adventure.
This month June has the Universal energy of 5: “The voice of freedom, freedom of speech, change and adventure”. We calculate this by adding the 6 (June = 6th Month) with 2024. 6+2+0+2+4 = 14. We break it down further: 1+4 = 5.
June has the 14/5 energy. This is a karmic number pattern.
This month you are being asked to ride the wave of CHANGE and take a chance.
This month carries us on a wave of change. It is a distinct change from the focused and grounded energy of the 4. When the 4 meets the 5 it is like a storm. We get the calm then it becomes chaotic. It’s the energy of change. We are energy, all things are energy. Energy effects matter. Matter is energy. Our energy effects the world around us. It is how we harmonise that brings balance and progress to ourselves and the change we want in this world.
The karmic debt of the 14/5 is that of feeling trapped or a slave to something. We experience the feeling of our freedom being taken away. A sense of being micromanaged. The karmic debt is the reminder and opportunity to break the chains to find freedom in our minds and our nervous system. To change the way, we operate. Free ourselves from the addictive actions that numb us. Free ourselves from being the slave in our own lives.
How do we do this?
Commitment and staying focused were the two things we practised last month. We need to stick to the guidelines that we created for ourselves. The PLAN.
The two numbers (1 and 4) that create the base number are known as the drivers. They provide a richer interpretation. The two skills you must obtain to achieve the base number energy.
First you need to TAKE ACTION, 1 loves to step in to action, LETS GO.
The 4 provides the PLAN, the practical, tangible thing to do. The 4 is ORGANISED, CONSISTENT, PLANNED ACTION and the 5 provides the FREEDOM you desired.
Remembering we are in this 8 universal year of POWER and ABUNDANCE. Nothing changes if nothing changes. If you keep doing the same thing, how can you expect things to change. Stepping into the power of your own authority can bring the change. For things to change first I must change. The 1 energy is saying "move with COURAGE and CONFIDENCE". The 4 is saying "with PERSERVERANCE and HEART" and the 5 asks for TRUTHFUL COMMUNICATION to show others the way to a better world. This is the energy available to tap into in June. Are you excited? It’s going to be WILD.
This is the month where you clear the mind of all mind-altering addictive habits. The things that numb you. The things that dilute your brilliance. You are going to need a clear head, so you can tap into the brilliance of who you are. You need to be grounded so when the whoosh of change comes you can remain grounded and rooted into your dynamic and magnetic power.
Last month was the month of writing, planning, getting on paper what was in your head. This month we get to speak it, present it, express the plan. The 5 energy is the new perspective.
There is so much potential energy available to us this month. The energy is like a Roller Coaster energy. The best way to meet this potential is to look at it as kinetic energy, the energy an object has because of its motion. We must tap into it. Flow with it, courageously take the ride!
It can feel like you are in the eye of the storm. Time to buckle in, activate your plan, bring the adventurous self, front and centre. Know that all the best laid plans need slight modifications. In this dynamic time be alert and problem solve as you go along. Whatever presents, try and be flexible and adaptable at all times. Fears will come up but by stepping into action you move through the chaos and heal by just giving it a go.
The 5 energy brings in the ability to come up with solutions that no one else thinks of. The quick thinking 5, loves to move fast and can spin in a completely different direction if needed. So, good in a crisis. We have the taking of action, with the plan, as without a plan nothing often gets off the ground. Level-headed grounded energy will save the day. The freedom of change comes from the communicating a SOLUTION (taking a chance) that brings CHANGE.
Last month we had the UPHILL GRIND now we are at the top and we can let go and have a wild ride.
How to prepare?
In this 5 month you are being invited to stick to the Plan. Find your freedom, educate yourself, broaden your horizons with travel, develop through experiences. Work on your communication and people skills by finding your voice. Commit. Just do it. Take the chance.
What is in the shadow of the 5 that you need to be aware of?
The aspects of the 5 shadow are:
Scattered busy mind / Fear of change / Addictive tendencies with food, alcohol, exercise, sex / Rigidity / Lack of confidence / Irresponsible / Undisciplined / Unfocused / Difficult to complete things / Bored easily
The five is linked to the Throat Chakra. The throat chakra is associated with expression and communication especially in the sense of speaking truthfully and with compassion. Including the subtle non-verbal and energetic connections. Ideas and inspiration are processed into reality. The way to balance is humming, singing, listen to music and nature. Signs of imbalance are difficulty with communication, uncontrolled ego.
So, the clues:
In June we can work on our communication. We can practise clear, balanced speech. We can be a good, considered listener. Practise getting the timing right speak when you need to speak and be silent when necessary.
Be truthful in what you say. Be confident. Be decisive. Be creative. Make sure you take full advantage of the opportunities available to you in June. Don't let them pass you by!
Would you like to join me for an in person workshop?
I will be in Wellington in June and I would love you to come along to this fun, interactive event where we will learn all about your numerology PLUS create a personalised profile poster.
Find out about your personal year:
Personal Years are just like the Universal years and repeat in a nine year cycle each rotation giving the opportunity to develop and overcome lessons. We get the opportunity to really tune into our individual rhythm.
The Personal Years form the building steps that mark our progress through life. Each nine year period marks the beginning and end of a particular stage of development.
We are so often encouraged to live in the now, however I feel a little heads up for planning can be so rewarding and supportive.
IF you are interested in finding out more about your personal year, I have the A5 12 month forecast cards that will fit nicely in the back of your journal, FIND THE A5 HERE , or if you would prefer to have either a June to June poster or larger ‘poster’ size on your wall I offer these for you too FIND THE POSTER HERE .
We are halfway through 2024:
It’s always a great time think about you can continue to make this your best year by aligning your actions with your numerology.
What is your Personal Year in 2024 and how is it influencing you?
Where could you improve your relationships?
What is the relationship between you and your children?
What career prospects do you have instore?
Numerology supports you to make valuable choices for your self and those you love.
I offer 1-1 readings face to face, 90 minute personal and business readings on zoom. The call is recorded. All readings come with a short report to support you. Book in now to take advantage of the current price.