June 2023 Numerology Influence
Power Portal on the 6/6 "The Teacher of Responsibility"
Before we get into the month long energy of June lets look at the 6th day of the 6th month. The power day of teaching of Responsibility, Relationships and Harmony.
Congratulations friends! We are half way through the year. I find that quite surprising, as where did that time go. The portal of the double 6 provides us an opportunity to balance things in relationships and that which you are responsible for. It may present as a wake up call. So take a little moment to tune in with your soul and sense where you can harmonise your relationships with self and others. Think of it as a Soul Revival Connection. You may want to make a ceremony out of it by lighting a candle, grabbing your journal and write out who, where and what to revive.
This month June has the Universal energy of 4. “Building and Planning” We calculate this by adding the 6 (June = 6th Month) with 2023. 6+2+0+2+3 = 13/4.
The 13/4 is the hardest working numbers. One of focus and determination.13/4 is a karmic number pattern. The 1 is saying lets take action and the 3 wants to create with the 4, a plan, something tangible. They want to build something. The 4 is known for its Building and Planning. So if you recall we are in a 7 Universal year - the year for thinking. Time for inspired thinking, planning, focus, organisation and determination. A great time to build a strong foundation for which to build on in the coming months.
The other characteristic of 4, is honesty, trust and really focusing on the details. Looking into the specifics and comprehending the situation, knowing the limitations so as not to do things twice. The additional 7 energy of scientific and spiritual wisdom this month, will have you asking questions leaving no stone unturned. This will take effort and perseverance. This combination can lead to overanalyse, going round and round in circles. It may leave you feeling drained, exhausted and a little depressed. Please be kind and mindful of this as it is not necessary at all with some planning.
Make "effort" your keyword this month. The 4 often shows us what we believe our limitations are. The emotional limits (stories in our head). The mental and physical limits. We all have limits, however for some of us they are reduced by fear of not doing a good enough job. So why even start. The4 is showing us with a little effort we can go right to the edge, to the end of your limits. Allow yourself the adventure of testing the boundaries. If only for an experiment, a one time thing. You may find you are limitless, with skills far greater than you ever imagined. This will in turn build faith in yourself and an inner knowing that you have what it takes when the going gets hard.
The 4 likes to place obstacles in your path. To keep you focused and to build your skills slowly but surely. Not unlike small sub lessons. This is where the effort comes to play, hard work, planning, and getting organised can set you up for success and not failure as your monkey mind would have you believe. The 4 month is where breakthroughs happen, building confidence and hope.
This month take a little time to be honest about where you're at. How can you build on false truths or a dodgy foundation? It will all come crashing down. Nows the time to check into the reality of your day to day organisation. Where could you systemise things? You will benefit greatly from taking time to decide how you what things to run. Create a plan with a clear intention of your desired result. Remember effort is your keyword so where can you put the effort in now, to reap rewards further down the track.
Enjoy your month, Sandy.
Numerology Workshops and Retreats
In July I will be co-facilitating Initiate a Business Masterclass in Ponsonby, Auckland at The Life Centre. which incorporates Numerology and Human Design.
Saturday July 29th 2023
10am - 4pm
The Life Centre
Could your business do with a clear transformation? Are you searching for a new perspective on how to approach your work? Imagine transforming your relationship with your business - treating it like a valued colleague or esteemed CEO rather than just another "thing" to slog through.
This is designed to be an interactive, immersive masterclass unlike any other. I am collaborating with Lynska Ramsteijn-Grice who has a background in facilitation of non-technical skills, such as communication and stress management, as well as emotional fitness and entrepreneurship. She has been working with her clients, using Human Design as a tool, to understand themselves more deeply and their relationships with the people in their lives and business. With a focus on individuality, Lynska encourages everyone to step into the things that make them unique.
Together, we'll guide you through an exploration of the numerology and human design behind your business, igniting your creativity, expanding your passion, and inspiring you to show up confidently and authentically in all aspects of, and with, your business.
This is a one-day workshop and we invite you to take the first step towards unleashing your full entrepreneurial potential. It is an opportunity to make meaningful connections, deepen your impact, and elevate your business to new levels of success!
If this interests you connect with me for further details.
Find out about your personal year:
Personal Years are just like the Universal years and repeat in a nine year cycle each rotation giving the opportunity to develop and overcome lessons. We get the opportunity to really tune into our individual rhythm.
The Personal Years form the building steps that mark our progress through life. Each nine year period marks the beginning and end of a particular stage of development.
We are so often encouraged to live in the now, however I feel a little heads up for planning can be so rewarding and supportive.
IF you are interested in finding out more about your personal year, I have the A5 12 month forecast cards that will fit nicely in the back of your journal, FIND THE A5 HERE , or if you would prefer to have either a June to June poster or larger ‘poster’ size on your wall I offer these for you too FIND THE POSTER HERE .
We are 6 months into 2023:
Nows a great time to review your natal and year charts?
Bespoke personal year charts can be purchased from June To JuneRemember the 6/6 portal for relationships, what do you desire in your relationships?
Do you desire a boost in your Business book a refresh reading to get prompts for change?
However you want to honour yourself in 2023, the year of self reflection, to gain wisdom and find peace. Numerology is a particularly good tool for supporting change or even giving strength to your already strong foundation.
I offer 1-1 readings face to face, 90 and 45 minute readings. A zoom call is recorded. All readings come with a short report to support you.